When NBC covers the Olympics what do you see? Sports? Athletes playing, competing, giving it their all to win? No, what you get is one sob story after another. Now, I really don't like going to Europe because of all the hassle it brings when traveling, but at least they show the actual events and athletes actually playing the game. So if any of you watched the Olympic Trials on MSNBC last weekend you might be wondering why only K1 and K1 women were covered, and why it took and hour to do so considering only about 8 athletes were shown. The fact is I don't know, and probably never will. Apparently people have their own agendas on who they want to promote. Do they know that 2 more boats will be going to Beijing?


Isaac David Schmidt said...

yeah dude, from what I heard it was B.S. it was unfair broadcasting from k to c. but at least it's on NBC...
i missed it, because the bar I was at in MD didn't have msnbc, nor did they serve beer on sunday.

Moma E said...

I could not believe that k boats were the only ones covered. I have never understood the bias in this sport. But, Rock on & make it to the Big Show. Your friends & family totally support you guys.

Hailey Thompson said...

I totally agree...I was sick of watching "beach volleyball" when I could've been watching C1's and C2's